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Image by Allan Nygren

ELLF Golf Tournament

 Please check the appropriate option and remit this form along with your contribution and png logo.

As the Title Sponsor you or your company will receive an entry for two golf teams (8 golfers) and will be listed in all PSAs and literature. Your banner will be displayed at the tournament and your organization will receive special recognition during the awards banquet.  Your company name and logo will be displayed on the ELLF website. Additionally, your company will receive hole signage.

As an ELLF Awards Lunch Sponsor, you or your company will receive an entry for one golf team (4 golfers) and will be listed in all PSAs and literature. Your banner will be displayed at the tournament and your organization will receive special recognition during the awards banquet.  Your company name and logo will be displayed on the ELLF website. Additionally, your company will receive hole signage.

As a Beverage Cart Sponsor, you or your company will receive an entry for 2 golfers and will be listed in all PSAs and literature. Your banner will be displayed at the tournament and your organization will receive special recognition during the awards banquet.  Your company name and logo will be displayed on the ELLF website. Additionally, your company will receive hole signage.

As a Divine Nine Sponsor, your organization will receive an entry for 2 golfers and will be listed in all PSAs and literature. Your banner will be displayed at the tournament and your organization will receive special recognition during the awards banquet.  Your organization name and logo will be displayed on the ELLF website. Additionally, your company will receive hole signage.

You or Your organization will receive a tournament registration as a one golfer and a sign on a hole prominently displayed and will be listed as a Team and a Hole Sponsor. 

You or Your organization will receive a sign on a hole, prominently displayed, and will be listed as a Hole Sponsor.

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Please select you preferred payment method.

Make checks payable to: Emerging Learners Literacy Foundation  

For further information please call 281-741-2412

Image by Jay Wennington

Mindful Dinner

 Please check the appropriate option and remit this form along with your contribution and png logo.

As the Diamond Table Sponsor you or your company will support a table for 10 attendees, and your organization will receive special recognition during the awards presentations.  Your company name and logo will be displayed on the ELLF website. Additionally, a full ad featuring your organization will be placed in the program book and your company will receive signage at the event. Additionally, you or your company will receive team for 4 at the ELLF Golf Tournament.

As the Gold Table Sponsor you or your company will support a table for 10 attendees, and your organization will receive special recognition during the awards presentations.  Your company name and logo will be displayed on the ELLF website. Additionally, a half-page ad featuring your organization will be placed in the program book and your company will receive signage at the event.

As the Silver Table Sponsor you or your company will support a table for 5 attendees, and your organization will receive special recognition during the awards presentations.  Your company name and logo will be displayed on the ELLF website. Additionally, a fourth-page ad featuring your organization will be placed in the program book.

As the Divine Nine/Non-Profit Table Sponsor your organization will support a table for 5 attendees, and your organization will receive special recognition during the awards presentations.  Your organization name and logo will be displayed on the ELLF website. Additionally, a half-page ad featuring your organization will be placed in the program book. 

As the ELLF Friend Sponsor your organization will support a table for 2 Your company name and logo will be displayed on the ELLF website. Additionally, a fourth-page ad featuring your organization will be placed in the program book and your company will receive signage at the event.

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Please select you preferred payment method.

Make checks payable to: Emerging Learners Literacy Foundation  

For further information please call 832-706-3754

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